Wax Candles vs. LED Candles

Candlelight has always been a staple in Reception decor and rightfully so. It's so romantic and softens the room by adding a warmth that not all lighting can offer. One of the biggest decisions that I have seen Bride's come across is the option of Wax Candles vs. Light Emitting Diode (LED) Candles. I believe both serve a purpose; however, I tend to favor LED Candles.
Wedding Venues around the Reno/Lake Tahoe area are steering away from Wax Candles for many reasons, but the biggest reason is the flame and possibility of fire. Of course, you would have to check with your Venue to see if they allow Wax Candles. If not, there are so many great options available now as the LED Candle market is growing. The great news is that all venues allow LED candles!
LED candles can have a wax exterior, sometimes resin. Straight or wavy edges, as if wax is dripping from the already used candle. They can be scented or not. Some varieties turn on by a remote or hand.
As a Florist working with perishable and also highly flammable products, LED candles offer me a wider range of places I can add candles. I do not have to worry about foliage and flowers above the flame getting hot and catching on fire. This allows the proximity of the the candle to product to be much shorter. Garlands full of foliage and lower lying textures can set next to Votive cups. Candelabras can be illuminated. Mounds of Hydrangea have no fear of wilting.
Another great reason to choose LED over Wax Candles is that they can illuminate the outdoors without the added fear of wind or not enough glass coverage. The LED candles can be placed without a hurricane. Should a hurricane be desired, the glass does not have to be as high when using Wax Candles. An inch of coverage could be just as pretty as 3 or 4".
The Bride and Groom do not have to worry about Guests picking apart the flowers and playing "he loves me, he loves me not" in the flames. This means they do not have to worry about Guests then pouring water into the wax to stop the fire they've created.
The last reason I, personally, would choose LED candles over Wax Candles, is that at the end of the night as I tiptoe through the lingering Party Animals, I do not have to worry about getting elbowed and having hot wax spilled on me, a bystander, or the container that houses the flame. I do not have to blow out the flame, spreading wax nor do I have to wait for the hot wax to dry. I can turn off the candle, drop them in their appropriate boxes, and on my way I go.
As you can see there are many reasons to use an LED candle. Flame-less allows them to be enjoyed anywhere and used more cleanly with the same look and advantages of a Wax candle. At A Floral Affair we love candle light!