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Pressed Bouquet Preservation

Unlike the Resin Bouquet Preservation method there has been less trial and error. No bubbling. No eventual yellowing. No finicky temperature requirements.

Knowing the end result is a pressed bouquet piece I am able to start the design from the very beginning of snipping off blossoms and foliage from the bouquet. I am able to decide angle shape of the flower, profile-- should stem be included or is the flower more attractive head on?

The trickiest thing I have come across is the hinge depth on the pressed glass frames. Some flowers are too thick and so I have to change the design concept to a different style frame.

As a Floral Mortician, these are my favorite designs to make.

The middle design I created from blossoms I saved from my Honeymoon shoot in New Orleans, Louisiana with Pie Face Photography. I knew that I wanted to do something with them before we left, I just didn't know what yet. Walking down Royal St. on our way to the Vampire Cafe I saw a Street Artist with a sign Poem for Strangers. I thought, "Woah, that's different" and we kept walking. As we got further and further away I had dread that he would be gone as we walked back through town to our Air BnB for the night. We turned around and waited for the Poet- its my favorite souvenir. Creating a bouquet for a Client one night I realized pressed frame and the floral from our shoot was the perfect addition to honor his creation.


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